Als Saarländerin bin ich in Saarlouis im Zeichen des Sonnenkönigs geboren. Nach zwei Ausbildungen konnte ich mir aussuchen, ob ich als Buchhalterin oder Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung arbeite. Mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte Software-Vertrieb und Event-Management mit Reisen durch Europa, Fernost und den Vereinigten Staaten sind daraus geworden. Daneben habe ich mich der Phantastik verschrieben. Meine Romane, Novellen und Geschichten veröffentliche ich in großen und kleinen Verlagen. Gemeinsam mit KommPlot gebe ich Anthologien heraus. Unser Erstling "Das Rote Tuch" wurde für den Selfpublishing Buchpreis 2022 und den Skoutz Award 2022 nominiert.
Saarlouis, the German city of the "Le Roi Soleil" is my city of birth. After two apprenticeships, I was able to choose between working as a graduated finance accountant or executive assistant. More than two decades I spent in software sales and events management, traveling throughout Europe, Far East and the United States. Besides that I love and write fantasy und publish my novels, novellas and short stories I in large and small publishing houses. In cooperation with KommPlot I publish anthologies. Our debut "The Red Cloth" was nominated for the Self-Publishing Book Prize 2022 and the Skoutz Award 2022.
Wie kam ich zum Schreiben? … Oder, das Leben könnte so einfach sein …
Curiously enough,I started writing when I started distributing industrial software. During that time my daily work has been dominated by American marketing language and writing was a kind of creative valve for me. Like all “try-to-be-a-writer”, I quickly reached the point where most of them drop the pen again. Because writing is a craft that is quite laborious to learn. So I tied up my bundle and started an exciting journey. Along that way, I met people who have dedicated me over the years in the secrets of their art. Klaus M. Behringer, the lecturer in creative writing at the University of Saarbrücken, was one of them. In parallel, I attended seminars at the Federal Academy of Fine Arts in Wolfenbüttel. During this time I met the lecturer Kathrin Lange, who is herself a versatile and successful author. Besides the friendship that has developed over the years, I heard the whispers of NAJADEN in their plot-seminar for the first time. That was on the end of 2012. In the summer of 2016, my debut came to the point where I dared to contact agencies.
Beruflich wie privat bin ich viel unterwegs. Die Kamera ist dabei immer griffbereit, um die gesammelten Eindrücke zu konservieren ...